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SSU Coast Camp




Visit to Tybee Island South Beach. 2014. 

    Thank you for your interest in the SSU Coast Camp program.  Due to the large number of applications recieved, we are no longer accepting applications. 


Please do not use the tab in the drop down menu to apply for 2016 Coast Camp.  Camp applications are on the Savannah State University Website.   


2016 Coast Camp Parent Handbook

  This handbook contains the camp policies and procedures for the 2016 camp year.  Please note, field trips are not listed.  Please note while the handbook document title page says 2014, policies and procedures are the most current version. In order to join the following seasons of the camp, students must successfully complete the academic semester. For the timely completion of all necessary academic tasks, we recommend buy literary analysis paper from https://exclusivepapers.net/buy-a-literary-analysis-paper.php


Just found out about our exciting camp program?    Join our mailing list to receive notifications for the 2016 Coast Camp. Click here to sign up. 


If you have any questions or concerns please contact us at This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it  

SSU Coast Camp


Coast Camp for 2015 is a month of ocean science fun for students. Sponsored by the NOAA Living Marine Resource Cooperative Science Center and Savannah State University, Coast Camp is a half-day ocean science program that teaches students about the ocean in an interactive, hands on curriculum. This academic camp utilizes Science, Math and Writing skills in conjunction with the Ocean Literacy Principles .  The program is free and open to students between the ages of 7-18 years old.

Part of the mission of the SSU Coast Camp program is to provide real science experiences for the young people who participate in our program.  The camp is designed to provide time in the classroom with hands on instruction as well as outdoor field work in the Marine Sciences.  

The Coast Camp program works with Savannah State University Faculty, Students and Staff to provide a meaningful science experience campers can use at school and in their future as a scientist.  

Camp Dates:  

Camp start date is June 6th and the last day of camp July 1st.  Camp will be half day for 4 weeks exploring Ocean and Marsh Ecology with field trips.  All Camps will visit Tybee Island North Beach and Richmond Hill Fish Hatchery.   Other field trips will be announced to registered campers.   Each Camp section will be divided by age subsets (age7-8, age 9-10, age 11-13, and 14-18).  Only 25 campers per age subset will selected. 

Be sure to fill out a separate application for each camper. 



Online Registration will begin on March 21 

Camp Registration will end on April 22nd.  Registration will be online only.  

Lodging and Food:

Lodging: SSU Coast Camp is a day camp only.  The camp program does not offer overnight camps at this time.   


Food:  SSU Coast Camp provides breakfast and lunch free of charge to camp participants.  The food service program is provided by Second Harvest’s Kids Café Program. 



First day of Camp June 6, 2016 7:30 am

Parent Day and Closing Ceremony July 1, 2016   8am to 10am

Campus Map and Directions:

Savannah State University Campus Map




Frequently asked Questions about Coast Camp

Is there a fee?  No, Coast Camp is funded by the NOAA Living Marine Resources Cooperative Science Center (LMRCSC). Each child participates free of charge and receives all the supplies they need during the camp.   We do ask campers participate in a pretest and posttest as a reporting measure for NOAA LMRCSC 


How are campers selected? We use a combination of factors to determine the camp classes. We consider the date of the application and whether the student has participated in the camp before. NOAA's Educational Partnership Program supports programs that increase the number of students who enter the sciences from traditionally underrepresented groups. We also try to reach their goals and offer STEM experiences to students who may not otherwise have them.


Can my child participate in part of the camp and not all of it? Unfortunately no. Because the program is so popular we have to turn many students away. So we require that the students who are chosen participate in the full camp. Campers are only allowed 3 absences during the 4 week camp.


Is lunch provided? Yes, we are a free lunch site. However, some campers bring their own snacks and lunch.  Currently, our lunch service is part of the 2nd Harvest Kid's Cafe Summer Lunch program . 


Why do you want my child's behavior score? We do not use it for elimination. We simply want to know our campers better to create the best classroom atmosphere.


How can I participate in Coast Camp? Parents are encouraged to serve as field trip chaperons, celebrate birthdays, or volunteer for class activities. 


  What do campers say about Coast Camp?











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